On september 1924 Commander Salvatore Stendardo founds a company and names it “Salvator Stendardo company”
Begins to supply row materials in the very flourishing port of Naples and all related companies; Continues to operate the business in the postwar period till february 1963 when his son Mario together with his brothers Giacomo, Giuseppe end Antonio continue the company’s history with the name of “Stendardo Salvatore limited partnership of Antonio e Mario Stendardo“
Located in the hart of the city of Naples in Rua Catalana street, the company prosperes and grows for 40 years till december 2002; the brothers business finishes its natural cycle after few months. To continue the activity undertaken in the 1924 there is one of the Mario Stendardo’s sons - Alessandro with “ Alessandro Stendardo Company”.
In the difficult period on september 2003 the company starts its “trader” activity, cooperating with International companies, high-quality experienced agents, transporters, partners and collaborators. Then on september 2007 opening of the small deposit in Giugliano in Campania and “Stendardo Metalli s.r.l.” emergence.
So the wholesale trade point of reference on South Italy in ferrous and non-ferrous metals, light alloys and stainless metals is reflourishes.
under costruction
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